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Safety Response

Bayless School District takes steps every day to protect students and staff. The safety of our students and staff remains our number one priority.

The district's emergency operations and procedures are regularly reviewed, refined and improved to reflect best practices. Each building and classroom has emergency operating procedures available to staff. For security reasons, components of our emergency plans are not publicly available.

We view a crisis as an incident that directly or indirectly affects a few or all of our students and staff. A crisis can occur before, during or after regular hours. Our plan is designed to be effective in a large number of situations.

Our district includes strategies to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from a crisis in our schools.


  • Training to help staff support the mental health of our students. The district provides training to all staff regarding a trauma-informed/sensitive approach to students.  **Pursuant to Missouri Senate Bill 638, Section 161.1050, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has established the "Trauma-Informed Schools Initiative."  For more information, visit:  MO DESE Trauma Informed Schools.

  • Bullying prevention programs, including curricular enhancements, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, Character Education initiatives and a bully reporting tool.

  • The district partners with the St. Louis County Police Department to provide two full-time School Resource Officers.

  • St. Louis County Police Department and our Insurance administrators (MUSIC) perform periodic safety inspections and walk-throughs to ensure the safety of all buildings and make recommendations for improvements.

  • Counselors and school social workers are available to students as needed.

  • All buildings are secured with locked exterior doors and check-in procedures, including instant background screening for visitors.

  • Surveillance cameras keep constant eyes on our buildings and grounds.

  • Bayless partners with federal and local law enforcement and mental health professionals on crisis prevention and student support.

  • Facilities and playgrounds are regularly inspected for hazards.

  • Fire safety inspections are conducted on an annual basis.

  • Effective and current communication equipment is employed throughout the district.

  • AED Devices are available at each of our school sites and athletic venues.

  • Crisis plans exist for each classroom and athletic venue.

  • We are always developing new facilities and facility modifications to address site security and safety.


  • Regular drills at schools for hazards like fires, severe weather, earthquakes, evacuations, lockdowns, etc.

  • The crisis response plan is updated regularly.

  • Training of the administrators and teachers for safety response occurs regularly.

  • Active shooter and intruder response training for all district staff is conducted regularly.

  • Assessment of staff and facility readiness for crisis is completed regularly.


  • Extensive plans are in place for evacuations, relocations, lock-downs and other safety measures.

  • Immediate contact is made with authorities and first responders in a crisis. Teachers are able to contact authorities.

  • Communication tools to notify families about crises.


  • Work with district counselors/social workers and local mental health services to provide counseling to those affected.

  • Return to the learning process as soon as possible.