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Outside Media Information

The Bayless School District welcomes media members into our schools and strives to provide accurate and timely information. If you are interested in reporting on a story involving the Bayless School District, please review the information below. Despite being a public institution, access to schools is highly regulated and limited due to public interest and safety concerns.

Interviewing School Officials

Many of the Bayless School District employees are leaders in education and are prepared to discuss current and important issues with reporters. However, if you are interested in interviewing a Bayless Schools employee, your first point of contact is with the Communications Team. We will help you find the correct resource for your story and arrange an interview time. Please call us at 314-256-8601 and ask for Stephen Terrill.

Freedom of Information (Sunshine) Requests

Bayless is happy to supply documents or materials requested that fall under the provisions of the Missouri Sunshine Law. Please note your request may take time to compile. Please direct any FOIA or Sunshine requests to Stephen Terrill, Marketing and Communications Coordinator.

Visiting Schools

Whenever a reporter is on Bayless School District property, a district administrator or Communications Office staff member must be with them or have arranged for their access to the District. If you would like to visit a school, contact the Central Office. We will work with your schedule and that of the students and staff to ensure that your visit is successful. Remember that all our schools participate in early dismissal days, standardized testing and schoolwide events that may prohibit your visit on a specific day or time. We appreciate your patience and flexibility when working around these conflicts.

Photographing Students and Staff

The Bayless School District operates in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This law allows students and parents to opt out of the release of certain information, including photographs. Before we can allow anyone to take photos, video and/or quotes from our students, a building administrator or Communications Team staff member must verify that these individuals have the proper release information on file. Notwithstanding the issue of consent of a student to be photographed, no photographs, video or depiction of our students may be used for commercial (non-news related) purposes without A) Notice to the District and the individual of the scope and purpose of the purported use; and B) adequate compensation to the student and/or District. 


You can keep up to date with the latest information about the Bayless Board of Education through the BoardDocs link on the Board of Education page. 

Contact Us

For more information, to request information, or to schedule a visit, please contact Stephen Terrill at 314-256-8115.